Wednesday, February 8, 2012

4 Reasons Why Telehealth Is Great

The medical industry is one that is always shifting and being improved upon. As we learn more and more about the human body, what was once thought impossible is now being done with ease. New medicines, medical procedures, and therapies are being discovered every day. Another medical innovation that combines medicine with technology is telehealth. Telehealth deals with the utilization of telecommunications technologies and electronic information in order to support clinical health care over a vast distance, professional and patient-related education, and the administration of health and public health. The technologies utilized in telehealth include the Internet, videoconferencing, streaming media, and wireless as well as terrestrial communication. Here are a few reasons the introduction of telehealth is such an excellent asset to the medical industry.

1. Education

Medical education is paramount in the field. It's important for doctors, surgeons, nurses, and interns to know the latest medical procedures. With telehealth the leading doctor in cardiothoracic surgery can teach other doctors and interns their techniques and no one has to leave their home state in order to do so. Rather than looking at videos and textbooks in order to learn about a procedure, interns can now watch a live surgery being done through a video conference. If a doctor has to perform an emergency surgery that they've never done before, they can go into surgery with a bit of relief knowing that another doctor that is familiar with the surgery can watch them through video feed and offer them advice on the procedure.

2. Sharing Information

With telehealth it's possible for hospitals to share information about unique cases with other hospitals in case they receive a patient with a similar complication. This will aid healthcare providers with giving their patients the best care and will also serve to save time on trying to figure out what to do, who to call, what medicines to administer and more. This will undoubtedly save the lives of many patients and save hospitals money on resources. New diseases and health complications can be shared the moment that they are discovered through the use of the Internet and streaming video.

3. International Medicine

Now doctors in the US and other countries can communicate practically face-to-face without having to hop on a plane. Although countries may differ in the medical treatment that they offer, different countries will undoubtedly benefit from learning techniques and procedures from doctors in other countries. Hospitals in third world countries that might not have the resources or education necessary to treat an emergency patient can now have the opportunity to save a life by having a video conference with a better qualified doctor on how to properly care for their patient.

4. Long-Distance Patient Care

A patient that has to visit a hospital or doctor out of state can now continue their treatment from their home state thanks to telehealth. Doctors can e-mail their patients useful information, test results, and more. In turn, patients can send their healthcare providers pictures and video of their affliction or if something that's going on with their body is bothering them. Patients can also send their doctor images and video of their progression after they're released from surgery. Although this might not be as effective as physically going into the doctor's office, it's a good place start. Telehealth is a wonderful advancement in the medical field, one that will improve the lives, health, and jobs of doctors and patients worldwide. It will be exciting to see how the medical field will advance next.

Click here to find out more about Telehealth

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